People of Substance with Tasha Van Vlack

Tasha Van Vlack

Tasha Van Vlack and I connected and bonded over the misguided perceptions about professionals working in the nonprofit sector. Some believe that charitable organizations, complex multi-million dollar companies, ought to be staffed by well-meaning volunteers. Others underestimate education and and skills of nonprofit organizations’ staff. These comments come from board members, general public, and even our own families. That’s one of the topics we cover. 

We also discuss the Nonprofit Hive, Tasha’s venture that brings together people in our sector with likeminded peers, kind of like a professional matchmaking service. 

People of Substance by LemonSkies are a series of conversations that introduce you to people working within the nonprofit sector. While we touch on trends and best practices, this is first and foremost about getting to know interesting individuals in our space.

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